Every company’s heart beats for a reason. And it’s not for their customers.

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A company’s soul is its people.
The numbers (revenue, profitability etc..) is the brain.
And the reason for its existence is the heart.

The heart is very selfish

Even if we say our own heart beats for others, ultimately it beats only for you. So a company needs a selfish reason for its heart to beat.

As much as companies like to say they exist to serve their customers, that’s not really it. It could be something very mundane or very inspiring. But it has to be there.

The heart of GeekTrust was born first. Then the soul, and then the brain. And like I said earlier, the heart is very selfish – unless we had a reason that was close to our own heart, GeekTrust wouldn’t exist.

Yes, we know we have to serve our customers ridiculously well but we didn’t start GeekTrust by thinking “how can we serve our customers?”. We started by thinking “what would we like to do?”

Why does GeekTrust exist?

GeekTrust exists because we are truly selfish and get a kick out of solving complex problems – be it technical or real world problems.

GeekTrust exists because we only want to work with people we really really like.

GeekTrust exists because we want to get our hands dirty solving interesting problems – those we can relate to, and where we can directly influence an outcome without having to play corporate games.

The first problem we picked

The first one we picked to solve was this – how can we help developers fulfil their potential? How can they figure out their own market worth and explore interesting opportunities without getting into the job market.

This was a very personal problem. I was with ThoughtWorks for 10 years and I’ve updated my resume twice in this time but did nothing afterwards. It was just too daunting to get into the job market again. If I had a service where I was promised connect with interesting opportunities, all the while maintaining my anonymity (and no spam), I would use it! So we set about building GeekTrust.

We’ve got excellent response from the dev community as well as from companies so far. There’s a lot of interesting opportunities in India today that can stretch you and help you fulfil your potential. Our job is to connect you with it. Solving this is what our heart beats for. For now.

contact me at krishnan@geektrust.in for career input, advice or to just discuss the weather.